Gardens, Markets, and CSAs

Supporting a robust, local food economy has been built into our ends for more than 50 years. We’re proud to partner with these local organizations increasing access to good, local food in our community.

Visit to learn more.

Growing Food Growing Health

Community Mercantile Education Foundation (CMEF), a 501(c)(3), was established in 1999 for the purpose of extending the educational outreach being done by The Merc Co+op. The organization is now known by their project name, Growing Food Growing Health (GFGH).

Their mission is to nourish and inspire personal well being, strengthen community connections, support local, sustainable food systems, and serve our community by developing youth leaders who are committed to food justice and food equality.

GFGH Garden Project

The Growing Food Growing Health Garden is located at West Middle School in Lawrence, established in 2010.

“We fulfill our mission by creating beautiful and productive gardens; hiring youth, ages 14-17, to be stewards of the gardens; and sharing our harvest at no cost with our neighbors most in need. Over 3,000 lbs. of organically grown produce was shared with our community in 2024 through our Free Market, and offered with dignity and respect, no-questions asked. This year we will be partnering with the Ballard Center to extend our reach into one of Lawrence's food deserts, and to provide fresh produce to the Ballard Childcare Center to use in their meal program.”

Contact Growing Food Growing Health at 785-841-7617 or by email.

Rolling Prairie CSA

Rolling Prairie is the oldest Midwest vegetable cooperative. The original group of farmers joined together in 1994 providing a vegetable subscription service to Lawrence and Kansas City. Over 300 households receive a weekly bag of locally grown produce during the growing season. While not all of our farms are now certified organic, they still follow the same natural, ecologically sustainable, organic practices for growing food that they have used since they started over twenty years ago.


  • Mondays: 4 – 6 p.m.

  • Thursdays: 4 – 5:30 p.m. (April – October)


  • Thursdays 4 – 6 p.m. (April – October)

KCK Farmers Market

The Merc Co+op is proud to host the The KCK Farmers Market in our co-op’s parking lot at 501 Minnesota!

“We bring high quality, local food to Wyandotte neighborhoods that either lack access to grocery stores or have populations of high need. We make nutritious food more affordable for SNAP recipients and low-income seniors, who make up the majority of our market customers.”

The market accepts cash, debit, SNAP (food stamps), and Kansas Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program vouchers. They partner with "Double Up Food Bucks" managed by Cultivate KC to offer a match on SNAP and SFMNP!​

June 1 – mid-OCTOBER

  • Saturdays, 8 am – 12 pm

The Merc Co+op is a proud sponsor of the Kaw Valley Farm Tour, which takes place the first weekend in October.