Get to Know Your Board


The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. Any co-op owner can run for a board position. Participating in co-op elections is your ownership in action – get to know the owners who represent you!

Meet Barbara

My name is Barbara Clark and my husband David and I have Maggie's Farm. We are a small diversified family farm and are USDA Certified Organic.  We have been selling produce to The Merc Co+op for 24 years. 


Why did you choose to run for the co-op board?

  • I was asked to consider running for the board a number of years ago by a past board member. It was apparent to me that The Merc Co+op's values and mine had many common points. The importance of community being central to all. 

What part of the co-op's mission do you connect with the most, and why?

  • Providing access to healthy, local and organic food and products. The other significant part of this statement for me is the food equity or justice issue. Having The Merc Co+op be both a SNAP and WIC grocery store helps extend access to healthy, local food to more in our community.

What's something you've gained from participating on this board?

  • As a board member it has been invaluable to develop strategic plans that have a desired outcome. These are our Ends Policies. Planning out board work through an annual cycle seems to benefit all involved: the board, The Merc and its owners.

What's one thing you hope the co-op achieves/works towards during your term as a director?

  •  Bringing diverse voices and experiences to our board to help us all recognize the needs and desires of our co-op owners.

Why should owners consider becoming a director?

  • Being on the board of directors is work that closely aligns you with The Merc Co+op's future.  It is both challenging and rewarding.  I am grateful to be involved in the work of The Merc.   

What is your favorite food or product the co-op carries?  

  • OK!  This is the hardest question of all. Lunch time at the hot bar has so many delicious offerings...please don't make me choose just one.

Meet the rest of the board online at