Get to Know Your Board - Meet Rachel!


The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. Any co-op owner can run for a board position. Participating in co-op elections is your ownership in action – get to know the owners who represent you!


Rachel Jefferson is a Wyandotte County resident and Executive Director of Groundwork Northeast Revitalization Group (formerly the Historic Northeast-Midtown Association). In her free time, Rachel enjoys cooking, gardening, and puzzling.

What part of the co-op's mission do you connect with the most, and why?

  • Rachel appreciates The Merc’s commitment to providing sustainable foods to their community through the cooperative ownership model. Rachel also supports the co-op’s various “giving” initiatives that provide financial and material supports to organizations serving the community. .

What's something you've gained from participating on this board?

  • A deeper understanding of cooperative economics and their impact on communities.

What's one thing you hope the co-op achieves/works towards during your term as a director?

  • Equity and inclusion are top priorities for me as a board member as we open the Kansas City location.

Why should owners consider becoming a director?

  • Being a director provides a deeper knowledge of  how The Merc Co+op is meeting its mission and goals. As owners we all have a responsibility to stay engaged in the well being of the cooperative and there is no better way to do that than running for a seat on the board of directors.