Co+op Explorers: February


Co+op Explorers

February 2020

Easy Chocolate Mousse

From Rachel Ciordas


Co+op Class instructor Rachel is sharing her recipe for chocolate mousse - a perfect treat to make (with a little help) for Valentine’s Day!


  • 1¼ cups semisweet chocolate chips, or 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream, well chilled


  • Measure out chocolate if using bars, chop or break apart the bars into small pieces. Place chips or chopped chocolate into a heatproof bowl.

  • Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water, (make sure that the bowl doesn’t touch the water) and melt the chocolate, stirring constantly with a rubber spatula, until melted and smooth. Immediately remove the chocolate from the heat and set aside to cool while you prep the heavy cream.

  • While the chocolate is cooling, pour the heavy whipping cream into the bowl of a standing mixer, or a large bowl if you’re using a hand held mixer. Beat the cream on medium speed until the cream has slightly thickened, about 30 seconds.

  • Add the warm melted chocolate to the cream. Continue to beat on medium speed, scraping down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula until soft peaks form, about 1 minute. The easiest way to see if peaks have formed is to turn off you mixer and lift the beater. If the mousse makes soft little peaks that flop over slightly, then the mousse is ready.

  • Get out some cute little glass jars, cups, ramekins or small bowls and using a small spoon, scoop the mousse into the serving glasses. This mousse is rich, so a little goes a long way. The mousse will be thick, so the best way to get it into the jars is to put some mousse in the serving glass and then bang the glass on the counter, so that the mousse settles down into the glass. Take a paper towel and wipe it around the rim of the glass to clean off any excess mousse.

  • Cover the mousse with plastic wrap and place in the fridge. Serve when you’re ready to eat!

Co-op Coloring Sheets

Make Your Own Valentines + Celebrate the Super Bowl!

February is the shortest month of the year, just 28 days - but did you know we have a lot to celebrate this month? Explore the links below!

Veggie of the Month: Spinach

  • Spinach is good for you: it is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals (especially iron).

  • Spinach grows best in slightly cool weather - right now, local Kansas farmers are able to grow spinach if they keep it covered from frost!

  • Spinach is a native plant of Persia (modern day Iran)

  • March 26th is National Spinach Day!

  • Centuries ago, artists would use spinach for its color making paint!

Did you know the Lawrence Public Library has online story time? Join them any day of the week!

Did you know the Lawrence Public Library has online story time? Join them any day of the week!

Kids ages 12 and under are invited to become a Co+op Explorer!

To become a card-carrying Co+op Explorer, kids simply need to bring a parent or supervising adult to the customer service desk and ask to become a Co+op Explorer. Or, use our super easy online form. Each child will be issued his or her very own super official Co+op Explorers card and passport!