Get to Know Your Board - Kelly


The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. Any co-op owner can run for a board position. Participating in co-op elections is your ownership in action – get to know the owners who represent you!


I have lived in Lawrence since 1992, and discovered the Merc after an unpleasant trip to competitor Wild Oats. Unlike their store, the Merc's then location at 9th & Mississippi was bright and the employees helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly. My wife Lisa Grossman and I have been members of the Merc since 1997. I'm a writer and writing tutor. Also, I have worked part-time at beloved local indie bookstore the Raven since 1997, where my 2012 memoir, My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus, is available for sale. I am work on another memoir with the working title Old Parents.

Why did you choose to join the board?

  • The Merc has given me so much over the years, most importantly, a reliable source of healthy, local, organic food within biking distance of my house in Old West Lawrence. It's my sole grocery store and an irreplaceable source of friendship and community involvement. After taking so much from the Merc, I felt it was time to give back. I'm especially excited about the Merc's expansion into the KCK area. Two Merc's is be infinitely better than one!

What part of the co-op's mission do you connect with the most, and why?

  • I most connect with the following two Merc End Policies: Creating a robust, sustainable local food economy and building a community based on hospitality, generosity and care for the environment. In my mind, both of these work in sync to keep the people and natural areas around each stores healthy and happy, which is one of my biggest motivators in my personal life as well. Healthy people and healthy land go hand in hand.

What's something you've gained from participating on this board?

  • I have gained so much from serving on the Merc Board. I'd have to say one of the most important has been watching the Merc expand into KCK. Serving with leaders from both communities has given me a greatly expanded perspective on food and food justice. I look forward to seeing the same benefits of cooperative ownership and healthy food impact another community in the way it has my own.

What's one thing you hope the co-op achieves/works towards during your term as a director?

  • In my last year on the board, I hope to see the KCK store thrive and grow under the leadership of a board composed of leaders from both communities.

Why should owners consider becoming a director?

  • Serving as a director on the board will give a Merc owner an intimate understanding of the importance of the co-op principle of democratic ownership and leadership. The resulting sense of responsibility for ensuring the health of our two stores will be deeply soulful and motivating.

What is your favorite food or product the co-op carries?

  • Central Soy Tofu is my favorite Merc product. In fact, I am made of it.