Kitchen Basics, Episode 3: Intro to Knife Skills

Knife Skills

Part of kitchen safety is knowledge and comfortability with your tools. Knives are some of the most frequently used tool in the kitchen, and understanding the basics will make cooking more enjoyable, efficient, and safe.

Basic Cuts from large to small

  • Chop: A more casual type of cut, pieces are larger and fairly uniform but not precise.

  • Dice: A smaller cut, sometimes specifically cubed - very uniform

  • Mince: A very small dice

Correct Technique:

We’ll use a zucchini to demonstrate good technique.

First, grip your knife by pinching the blade just above the handle between your thumb and your pointer finger/knuckle. This gives you better control of the blade.

First, grip your knife by pinching the blade just above the handle between your thumb and your pointer finger/knuckle. This gives you better control of the blade.

Round objects are more likely to slip or roll - create a flat surface to lay against your cutting board for easier chopping. Use “the bridge” with your other hand, and carefully cut underneath it.

Round objects are more likely to slip or roll - create a flat surface to lay against your cutting board for easier chopping. Use “the bridge” with your other hand, and carefully cut underneath it.

To chop, dice, or mince use a technique called “the claw” - curl your fingers under slightly to protect your finger tips!

To chop, dice, or mince use a technique called “the claw” - curl your fingers under slightly to protect your finger tips!

Build Your Skills: Learn Common Knife Cuts!