Board Updates: Call-to-Action, Elections, Co-op Training

by Barbara Clark, Board President

While reviewing our co-op’s Articles of Incorporation in 2018, your Board of Directors made an important discovery - one that is both a cause for celebration and a call-to-action for our owners. 

The Articles cap our ownership shares at 10,000.  When our co-op began in 1974, that probably sounded like a lofty figure. But today, as we continue to grow ownership in Lawrence and branch into Kansas City, Kansas, we are rapidly approaching that summit.  

In order for us to continue to offer ownership in our co-op, we will need approval from one-third of our current 7,600+ owners to change the Articles and increase available shares. That means that over 2,500 of you, our current owners, must participate in the approval process. 

At this time I urge each and every owner to update your contact information at This will ensure that we can reach you when the time comes to take action on this crucial vote and keep you up-to-date on co-op information and sales.

Wrapping up 2018, I want to thank you to the owners who attended our November Annual Co-op Meeting. There, we announced the results of our 2018 board election. Kelly Barth, Mark Sprague and myself were re-elected to three year terms. Dustin Brown was elected to fulfill a one year term. 

Then, at our December board meeting, we elected Anthony Lang as incoming President, Kelly as Vice President, Mark as Treasurer and myself as Treasurer. For more information, visit

In related news, we are proud to host a Cooperative Board Leadership Development workshop on January 26.  Newly elected board members from across the region will gather to learn more about cooperative principles, the values and history of co-ops, legal and financial roles and responsibilities, and cooperative governance.  To continue our efforts to become a more inclusive board, we have also invited community members representing different cultures to attend.

As always, thank you for your participation in our cooperative.

Contact your board at