Connecting In New Ways

by Valerie Taylor Richardson, Marketing Manager

Our work as grocers is constantly changing, so the methods and mediums we use to communicate must be agile.  To that end, this will be the last printed issue of Connections.

Considering the popularity and convenience of digital mediums, the increasing costs of print and postage, our ability to cover relevant and timely information for a multi-store operation, and our commitment to green practices, we have determined that it is time to transition this newsletter to an online format.

Rest assured, you will still be able to find out what’s going on with your co-op. We will continue to utilize mail for owner days and coupons. Meanwhile, news, sales, events, board meetings, calls to action, recipes, Change recipients and class calendars all have a place on our website as well as our social media pages and weekly sales flyers. And, if you aren’t already receiving our emails, please sign up using the form on our home page at or

Thank you to our readers and long time advertisers. And, thank you for your support as we gear up to enhance communication. If you have questions, please contact me at

Visit our Newsletter Archive to view previous issues of Connections.