MercWorks Volunteering
Owner Volunteer Program
The Merc Co+op is committed to building a community based on hospitality, generosity, and care for the environment. Through the MercWorks program, owners are rewarded for their volunteer efforts with co-op coupons! It's our way of giving back to the folks who give, and another way our co-op supports the local organizations that create meaningful, lasting impact in our community.
Volunteering with Just Food
Just Food is the food bank of Douglas County, supplying over 30 partner agencies with fresh produce, dairy products, meat, bread and pantry staples. They serve 300 – 600 families daily, Tuesday through Friday. Programs like Just Cook and Pots and Pantry aim to reduce barriers to health and well-being, and cultivate self-sufficiency. From Just Food’s website: “Food insecurity and hunger does not exist in isolation, as families are affected by multiple, overlapping issues. Together, these issues are important social determinants of health.”
How to sign up to volunteer: It’s easy! Go to Just Food’s website and click on the volunteer link, and fill out your information. You will need to attend a volunteer orientation. Jessica (the volunteer manager) will email you after orientation to coordinate your volunteer dates and times.
The areas where you can volunteer include:
At the main site: Check in, check out and the warehouse (stocking and filling shelves).
You can also volunteer with the Cruising Cupboard or Just Food’s satellite pantry at Heartland Community Health!
Britt, our Outreach specialist, worked at the checkout station last week.
The check out station is simple! Every person hands you a card and the card tells you how many points they have to use. According to however many points they have, that is how you count their items. The point system is listed on the white board for help! You bag/box their items for them. If they bring a bag, which many of them do, they receive an extra point!
Just Food serves any and everyone regardless of income. This makes for a very busy food pantry. Volunteering helps Just Food manage the flow of the pantry to reduce wait times of customers in the check out line!
Become a MercWorks volunteer!
Co-op owners and their households — regardless of number of members of their household or age — who volunteer with a MercWorks partner receive a store coupon in the mail the month following volunteering.
Households must maintain active ownership with The Merc Co+op to be eligible. Volunteer hours must be performed at an approved MercWorks organization.There are 12 organizations to choose from!
Households that volunteer at least three (3) hours per month will receive a coupon for 10% off one shopping trip the following month. (One coupon per household per month.)
Households that volunteer more than three (3) hours per month will receive a coupon for 15% off one shopping trip the following month. (One coupon per household per month.)
Some organizations, like Just Food, track their volunteer hours and communicate them to the co-op. Others do not. In that case, we provide a paper form for you to bring when you volunteer.