The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. They meet the first Monday of each month. Any co-op owner can run for a board position, and all co-op owners are encouraged to vote in our annual board elections. Get to know the owners that represent you!
Celebrating 50 Years
Local Apple Season! 🍎
Run for the Board: Shape the Future of Your Community Food Co-op!
The Merc Co+op Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month. Learn more about the Board, their meetings and responsibilities each month in their Board Report.
Quick Pickles, Three Ways
Seasonal recipes from your co-op. Whether you’re looking to use up those last couple cucumbers before they go to waste, or you need inspiration to make the most of your garden abundance this fall - this versatile quick pickle recipe is for you! Start with a simple base of cider vinegar, sugar and spices + make each batch unique with a few additions!
Meet Your Producers - Notkwyta Ranch
Join the Merc Co+op Board: Shape Our Community’s Future
The Merc Co+op Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month. Learn more about the Board, their meetings and responsibilities each month in their Board Report.
Recipes from the Co-op — Smoky Confit Tomato Pasta with Lemon
Board of Directors — July CCMA Report
The Merc Co+op Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month. Learn more about the Board, their meetings and responsibilities each month in their Board Report.
GM Updates - July 2024
We are gearing up for the final phase of our renovations, which includes an expansion of our refrigeration system at the Lawrence location. These updates support the growth of our high-performing categories such as produce, frozen foods, dairy, bakery, specialty cheese and deli grab-and-go meal solutions. By analyzing sales and product data, customer feedback, cost of goods, labor and operating costs as well as considering external factors like the pandemic and inflation, we identify both successful programs and those that are struggling. The co-op must remain agile as a business and respond to that data to secure the long-term health of our stores.
After July 12, the co-op will no longer offer a buffet-style lunch and dinner menu. Breakfast burritos, hot soups, salad bar, grab-and-go meal solutions, made-to-order sandwiches and roast chickens will continue to be available.
Summer Chill — Stay Cool with these Seasonal Drinks

The Fruit + Veggie Grilling Guide
Board of Directors — May Meeting Report
The Merc Co+op Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month. Learn more about the Board, their meetings and responsibilities each month in their Board Report.
GM Updates - May 2024
Recipes from the Co-op — Mushroom & Asparagus Quiche
Board Connections: Share Your Co-op Stories + Earth Day Volunteering
Board of Directors — February Meeting Report
The Merc Co+op Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month. Learn more about the Board, their meetings and responsibilities each month in their Board Report.
Yes, Peas!
Ready for Reusables — Plastic Bag Ban takes effect tomorrow in Lawrence
The Lawrence plastic bag ban takes effect tomorrow. The Merc Co+op removed plastic bags from our registers in 2013, and the paper bags we provide are 60% post-consumer recycled material - in other words, it’s business as usual. We appreciate this step our Lawrence government is taking to encourage a more sustainable future!