Co+op Ownership

What separates us from other stores. Why become an owner. How to join the co-op board.

The co-op is a grocery store owned by the community. It operates to benefit its shoppers and owners. You’ve probably heard of some other co-ops such as Sunkist, and Land O’ Lakes; what makes us different is our values – good, local, and healthy food, sustainability, and community.

What is a co-op?

People work together to form cooperatives all over the world. And there’s no limit to what co-ops can do—build homes, purchase products and services, provide childcare or share utilities. At its most basic, a cooperative, or co-op, is an independent group of people who choose to cooperate for mutual social, economic and cultural benefit.

A cooperative business is owned and run by and for its member-owners, who may be consumers, employees, producers, residents or other stakeholders. A food co-op is a grocery store owned by your neighbors (and by you, if you choose). Unlike corporate chains, we’re totally independent and owned by the community members who shop here.

Here’s how it works: Everyone is welcome to shop, eat and hang out here. And everyone is welcome to join the co-op by making a one-time investment, and then getting back financial rewards and a vote to choose the board of directors and impact the direction of the business.

While each food co-op is unique and owned by the community, they’re also part of a network of neighborhood stores across the country that work together toward the day when everyone has the good, local, healthy food they deserve.

The benefits

Everyone is welcome to the table and you don’t need to be an owner to shop at The Merc Co+op. But if you are an owner there’s lot of financial and democratic benefits: you get perks at local businesses, owner discount days, have a voice participating in our board elections, or you can run for the board.

Here’s the full list:

  • Exclusive owner discounts on shopping trips during Owner Appreciation Days, twice each year.

  • Patronage rebates proportional to the amount you spent at the co-op during profitable fiscal years.

  • Senior owners, ages 62 and up, receive a 5% discount on purchases made each and every Tuesday.

  • 10% case discounts on special orders.

  • Economic assistance (eligible owners may apply for our 10% MercShare+ discount).

  • Merc Perks offers owners exclusive deals at local businesses.

  • Vote in our annual Board of Director elections.

  • Eligibility to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.

  • Access to the co-op’s financial standing and future plans.

  • Invitation to the Annual Co-op Meeting with the board and learn about the health and future of our co-op.

  • Opportunity to participate in focus groups and surveys to help shape the co-op’s future.

Board of Directors

The co-op board is made up of nine member-owners from the region - they guide the values of the co-op and represent all of the owners. Any owner is welcome to run and are elected to a 3-year term. You can pick up an elections packet, or download one, with all the information you need to run, or come to a board meeting the first Monday of the month. Right now board meetings are virtual, so contact to get the link.

Join over 8,000 of your friends, family, and neighbors investing in a local business that supports good, local and healthy food!

Find out more about ownership from our outreach managers.